5 Piano Solo Love Songs to Play for Your Valentine

Whether you are getting ready to celebrate Valentine’s, Galentine’s or Single Awareness Day, it’s always nice to have a way to impress your friends or loved ones.  Who doesn’t love it when you are all standing around wondering what to do when suddenly someone sits at the piano and plays a nice romantic ballad? Wouldn’tContinue reading “5 Piano Solo Love Songs to Play for Your Valentine”


Want our Olympic piano practice chart and piano studio decorations for FREE? Join our email list below! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Oh wait….now that Christmas is over isn’t it the most STRESSFUL time of the year?  The time when your piano students are supposed to be prepped and ready for springContinue reading “PIANO STUDIO OLYMPICS”

Five Tips For a Fabulous Holiday Recital

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…or at least it will be on Saturday morning when all the recitals are done and I can finally hang those stockings by the chimney with care.  I don’t know about you but recital season kinda stresses me out!   Christmas is such a fun time for students toContinue reading “Five Tips For a Fabulous Holiday Recital”

6 of the Best Movie Musicals Streaming NOW on Disney+

If any of you are like our family you have now been watching Disney Plus nonstop for the last week!  I can’t think of much to complain about. It’s been so fun sharing old Disney films with my kids and reliving my childhood through films like Lady and The Tramp and Cinderella.  TV shows suchContinue reading “6 of the Best Movie Musicals Streaming NOW on Disney+”

How To Plan The Perfect Piano Group Lesson – with Fall-Themed Music Activities

I have been playing the piano for 32 years, and I’ve been a piano teacher for 16 — but my actual college degree is in Elementary Education.  Do you know the number one skill I took with me from my years teaching public school? PACING.  It’s EVERYTHING.  No matter the musical skills and credentials youContinue reading “How To Plan The Perfect Piano Group Lesson – with Fall-Themed Music Activities”

Top 5 Piano Solos for Halloween

Tis the season for all things spooky!  In my piano studio, I find that students get more excited to learn Halloween music than just about anything else.  Unfortunately, there isn’t as much to choose from in this genre as — say — some other holiday 55 days in the future… (Don’t worry seventeen million versionsContinue reading “Top 5 Piano Solos for Halloween”

Which Books Are Best for Teaching Piano Lessons?

Anybody remember this book?  I can still play and sing the words to first piece “Here we go to the zoo, funny monkey howdy do…”  There was a lot to love about the straightforward method of days gone by. Though many improvements have been made to music education over the years, there are some thingsContinue reading “Which Books Are Best for Teaching Piano Lessons?”

Can Piano Lessons Help My Child Learn Other Instruments?

My nine-year-old daughter recently approached me with a request to play the violin in the school orchestra.  I’m gonna be honest, this was not something I was excited to do. As a piano teacher, I find it hard enough to keep my own children practicing their first instrument without adding a new one the mix. Continue reading “Can Piano Lessons Help My Child Learn Other Instruments?”

Recipe for a “Rising” Student

I am only good at two things…playing piano and making bread.  The first skill came pretty naturally for me. The latter, not so much.  It took years of trial and error to develop the perfect recipe. Now that I have it down to a science, I don’t mess with success.  The key to a fabulousContinue reading “Recipe for a “Rising” Student”

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