These 3 Things I Learned From Disney Helped Me Grow A Successful Piano Studio

I recently returned from a girl’s trip to Disneyland. I always enjoy myself at Disney, and this time was no exception. There is just no beating a Walt Disney vacation. It is worth every penny to enjoy time with family and friends and be treated with such kindness and respect by each and every cast member at the parks.

When I first began teaching piano in a new city, I was overwhelmed with the daunting task of finding clients and retaining students to build my studio. I decided right from the beginning that when met with a challenge of any kind in my business that I would simply ask myself “What would Disney do?” This question has served me well over the years and I have used the following three principles to double the size of my studio and nurture successful piano players. 

Principle #1: EVERY CHILD SHOULD FEEL SPECIAL— One of my favorite things about Disney is watching cast members treat my children like they are the most important thing in the world. Who doesn’t want to feel loved and valued? In my studio, I try to show students that my love and concern for them is not limited to a particular set of musical skills. Students will be more successful if they are motivated by love rather than fear. During each lesson, I try to ask students about specific parts of their lives that may or may not have to do with music. I try to show genuine interest in their other activities. This creates a bond of trust that transfers to positive results. 

Principle #2: THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT— Through all of Disney’s resorts and parks, cast members are instructed to do whatever it takes to provide a positive experience for each guest. I have seen first hand the lengths that employees will go to to ensure that no guest goes home unsatisfied. In my studio, I hold fast to this philosophy. Though there are some policies that I will not bend, I will go out of my way to give clients the extra time, piano music, other materials, or encouragement that they need. Regardless of who is in the right, I try to always use “me” language and to assume that I am the party who is in the wrong. 

Principle #3: GIVE A LITTLE EXTRA— Once on a trip to Disneyworld, I saw out of the corner of my eye Cinderella’s fairy godmother walking down the street in Fantasyland. As I pointed this character out to my three year old daughter, The fairy godmother’s handler informed me that she was about to go on break and was unable to see more people. This lovely old woman, who must have been exhausted and burning up in the Florida heat, motioned for my daughter to come over and proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes talking with her, encouraging her and taking pictures with her. This act made my whole trip! It melted my heart to see someone going out of their way just to make my child feel good about herself. As a teacher, I try to go above and beyond, any chance I get. If a student wants to play a certain song, I find it for them. If a student comes to me with a question of any kind, I answer it. A Little effort goes a long way in a teacher/student relationship. 

Some may question using Disney principles in a piano studio. Piano teachers want to be taken seriously and of course, boundaries and expectations must be set. However, I have found that ultimately what parents and students alike value most is how they feel about themselves and their experience in my studio. If I can leave my clients feeling like they are learning and growing as well as finding joy in music, then I have done my job. Putting the client first only benefits my studio and puts me in a better position to set boundaries and expectations as needed. 

Disney does everything better. When it comes to creating a warm, welcoming environment for people to learn and grow together, who better to emulate? As Walt Disney himself said, “Do what you do so well, that they will want to see it and bring their friends.”

Published by Measured Melodies

We are two sisters producing leveled piano music designed for beginner-intermediate students. Find our music and other piano teaching tools at

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